Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Iraq, Radio, and Meta

So this will be a really short post as I just got backed from a Radio show discussing the War in Iraq. I have quite nicely gotten into a routine of being a guest on Brandeis's Political Program on the Radio on Tuesday Night's from Midnight to 1. Today's topic was Iraq. I came to the most logical conculsion that their is no good solution and that the worst is one where our soliders continue to get killed with no one being able to tell me what they are doing or why it will make Iraq better. This bring me to today's topic. Which is how Meta should this Blog be. I live a pretty political life, but that doesn't mean that my talking about what I did will be interesting. The question is how much should blog be about me, and how should it be about the issues, and elimating all elements of ego. Almost no bloggers pretend not to be people. But likewise, very few successfull blogs and no successfull political blogs are here is what I did today. What is the right balance? I am asking you my readers, if it turns out I have no readers then the point is not relevant untill I get some.
Thanks for reading

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