Monday, January 15, 2007


Dear Loyal Readers
Tommorrow begins my return to school and hopefully also a return to more regular posting here. However I did not feel it was proper to let Martin Luther King Day go by without at least saying something. Without getting to detailed what is extremely important to remember is that many many people in The United States were bitterly opposed to Martin Luther King and his legacy. That everyone now sees him as great and wonderfull should not allow people to forget this oppisition. It is also important to remember that not all of his opponents were Southerns and not all of his opponents were uneducated. As society we tend to go back and pretend that things were easier than they were. On Martin Luther King Day it is important to remember how hard his struggle was and when possibe find ways to make it our struggle now. More on Moral cowardice tommorrow.
Thanks again for reading.

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