I am most certainly not going to beat the dead horse of an already finished Leadership fight. That said I am pleased with the outcome. The first woman speaker in the history of the nation is a milestone that I think it is fantastic; I also am a huge fan of the continuity that come with maintaining much of our leadership team from when we were in the minority. Almost everyone in our caucus worked hard together to create this great victory and maintaining this team well us keep the sprit that got us the majority. I also like seeing Rahm in leadership as he will be a good conduit to the DCCC and keep leadership well abreast of the political ramifications of their actions. I also have to update some of the outstanding races from yesterday. It was one win a piece with Democrats holding GA 12 and Republicans holding WY AL This leaves five races not yet called and two facing run offs. Which leads us into today’s endorsements in the upcoming Runoff’s.
Texas 23
Ciro Rodriquez,
I feel this race as being more the first race of the 2008 cycle than the last one of this election cycle. The fact is that everyone involved in this race knows the Democrats will be the majority, everyone knows that the 48% that Henry Bonilla got makes him potentially vulnerable in any race. This race is also very much about the future of Texas. There are only four Hispanic Republican Members of the House and only one Henry Bonilla who is not a Cuban from Florida. Normally, I would say it is a bad thing for parties to be so racially divided but this current Republican Party has used Hispanic Immigrants as the worst kind of political punching bags as the 69% of Hispanics who voted for Democrats in the last midterm election showed. The future of Texas will lie with it is Hispanic residents, which is why it is so important to defeat there last vestige of power in that community. Ciro Rodriquez was also a very good Congressman in his time and Henry Bonilla has a clear set of bad votes, the DCCC has put together here. http://www.dccc.org/gopauctionhouse/members/HenryBonillaTX-23.html
Check out Congressman Rodriquez website
Here http://www.cirodrodriguez.com/ and lets send him back to Congress.
Louisiana 2
We don’t need clearly corrupt Democratic Members of Congress. It is hard to believe that William Jefferson is innocent and even if he was, he looks too guilty at the moment to keep around. Karen Carter has also received the backing of most of the Democratic Establishment in Louisiana. She will make a good Congresswoman and I echo the sentiments of the Blue Majority Fund with this endorsement. http://www.actblue.com/page/bluemajority?refcode=DKosSidebar
Please check out Karen Carter as well
Winning theses two races will help us maintain and expand our majority.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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Ciro Rodriguez is rated 100% by the NEA, indicating a pro-public education voting record, and he voted against the school voucher program which will bleed money from the public schools and for reducing class size in grades 1 to 3.
Ciro is rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record, and he has voted for more federal funding for health coverage, against the Prescription Drug Coverage boondoggle for international pharmaceutical corporations, for allowing reimportation of safe prescription drugs from Canada, and against arbitrarily capping damages in lawsuits involving hospital and nursing home negligence.
Ciro is rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record, and he voted against privatizing Social Security and in favor of strengthening the Social Security Lockbox.
Ciro is rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record.
Ciro is rated 89% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record.
Ciro is rated 0% by the xenophobes at FAIR, indicating he favors a non-punitive immigration policy, and he voted for extending Immigrant Residency rules, and against reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment.
Ciro has fought against discrimination and voted for a Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender and voted against ending affirmative action in college admissions.
Ciro believes a person's sexual orientation should not be the basis for limiting his or her civil rights, and he voted for more funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes and against the Constitutional Amendment banning civil unions.
Ciro stands for the freedom of religion balanced against the freedom from unwanted religious interference with the state, and he voted against requiring school prayer.
Ciro voted for a moratorium on the death penalty, for requiring DNA testing for all federal executions, against the Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws, against harsher prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime, and for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons.
Ciro voted against eliminating the Estate Tax for the ultra-wealthy, against making the Bush tax cuts for the rich permanent, and for ending offshore tax havens for corporate tax cheats.
Ciro voted against "Fast Track" authority for trade agreements, against withdrawing from the WTO, against implementing the US-Singapore trade agreement, against implementing the trade agreement with Chile, and for linking human rights to trade with China.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 100% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes.
Henry Bonilla – Rated 33% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted NO on allowing vouchers in DC schools.
Henry Bonilla - Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools.
Ciro Rodriguez - Opposes requiring school prayer.
Henry Bonilla – Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record.
Henry Bonilla – Rated 11% by APHA, indicating an anti-public health voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs.
Henry Bonilla - Voted NO on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted NO on forbidding expanded stem cell research.
Henry Bonilla – Voted YES on forbidding expanded stem cell research.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted NO on federal funding for health providers who refuse to inform women about reproductive health options.
Henry Bonilla - Voted YES on federal funding for health providers who refuse to inform women about reproductive health options.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad.
Henry Bonilla – Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record.
Henry Bonilla - Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record.
Henry Bonilla - Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox.
Henry Bonilla - Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 100% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-labor voting record.
Henry Bonilla - Rated 7% by the AFL-CIO, indicating an anti-union voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 89% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record.
Henry Bonilla - Rated 11% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Rated 79% by the ACLU, indicating a pro-civil rights voting record.
Henry Bonilla - Rated 7% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol.
Henry Bonilla - Voted NO on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR.
Henry Bonilla – Voted NO on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted NO on speeding up approval of forest thinning projects.
Henry Bonilla - Voted YES on speeding up approval of forest thinning projects (Rated 0% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes.).
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads.
Henry Bonilla – Voted NO on banning soft money and issue ads.
Ciro Rodriguez - Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions.
Henry Bonilla - Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions (Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees).
Has there ever been an election in a Democratic leaning district where the choice is so clear and yet the race is so close?
For more information, see Ciro on the issues and Henry on the issues.
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